Going to university is about much more than getting a degree. It’s about developing a fascination for a particular subject or idea, which for some can last a lifetime. It’s about being given the time to investigate it and understand it properly.

And it’s about being given strong, structured support from world experts to help you to develop that understanding. If this appeals to you, then you should apply for a John Crook Scholarship to continue your studies at St John’s College.

The John Crook Scholarship offers students from UK universities an opportunity to study for a second, two-year undergraduate degree at St John’s College, Cambridge. Some scholars will have the opportunity to opt into an MPhil programme in their second year. The scholarship covers all your costs, including fees, plus a grant of at least £15,000 per year during the course.

For more information, please visit http://www.joh.cam.ac.uk/john-crook-scholarships