OpportunityHub is your exclusive platform to search for jobs and vacancies, follow employers, and find the latest news - and now you can also book onto careers events and organise your own one-to-one careers consulations too!

Book onto events

Browse and book onto OU careers events using the events tab on the right of the OpportunityHub navigation bar. From here you'll see a list of 'recommended events', but you can find the full range on offer by clicking 'View all events'.

Once you've found an event you're interested in, the events page will either direct you to a webpage from where you can access an event or show a button allowing you to book onto an event using OpportunityHub. Booking onto an event using OpportunityHub allows you to:

  • Receive an email reminder once you book and before the event starts
  • View your past and upcoming bookings by clicking 'My Event Bookings'

The below video filmed in October 2019 shows you how to book onto an event:

Book a one-to-one careers consultation

You can book a one-to-one session with one of our professional careers advisers and consultants using the Appointments tab in the middle of the navigation bar at the top. From there simply follow the instructions on screen to book a one-to-one session. As with events you:

  • will receive a reminder email before your session
  • can view your past and upcoming appointment bookings.

Remember, you don't need to be 'career ill' for a career 'appointment'. Whether you want to start, change, or develop your career, our staff are here to support you in any way they can. Your session will be with a professional aligned specifically to your faculty or your nation if you're in Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland or Ireland.

In a one-to-one consultation, we can help you with a number of career-related queries including:

  • helping you recognise your skills and interests
  • support you in developing a career plan
  • sharing advice about how to look for jobs or work experience
  • reviewing your CV or job application.

Please note, we can't tell you what career to choose, or find job or work experience opportunities for you.

How do I log into OpportunityHub?

You're currently in the news section of OpportunityHub. New here? OpportunityHub is your OU exclusive careers platform to connect you with 1:1 career consultations, jobs, internships, events, top resources and more. To access the rest of the site you’ll need to register or log in. You can learn how to do this in three easy steps on our Welcome Page.