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Mental Health Awareness

We’re always keen to remind students and graduates that your career and your mental health are often intertwined, and we want to help you take good care of both. #MentalHealthAwareness week seems an...

Jobs Digest December 2020

Internships and graduate schemes Cognition Education Group - Short Paid Placement Opportunity in FE (Bursary) Cardiff Capital Region Graduate Scheme - Graduate Office and Finance Coordinator ...

Labour Market Update December 2020

England’s second lockdown has meant that estimates of when the UK economy will recover have been pushed back to 2022. Across the 12 nations and regions of the UK, half have higher numbers of job...

Celebrating UK Disability History Month

Until 20 December it's Disability History Month, so we've put together a brief list of where you can find all our resources designed specifically to support those with disabilities and health...

Jobs Digest November 2020

What jobs are available right now? Who is recruiting? Where can I find the best vacancies to apply for? These are questions many OU students are asking at the minute, so we've put together a monthly...

Penguin Books JobHack - 17-19 November 2020

Publishing is about more than just editing: there are many different dynamic, creative and commercial roles working together to bring a book to life. There’s a place for everyone in publishing –...